UIS MTF STU (UIS) „Student´s reservations

Dear students,

We would like to inform you that on 13. Jule 2021 we are launching a pilot operation of the new module of the Accommodation Information System UIS MTF STU (UIS) „Student´s reservations“. This UIS module is intended for all students from all universities in Trnava, who have confirmed and assigned accommodation through AIS, AIS2 and MAIS in the Student Home and Canteen M. Uhra in Trnava (ŠDaJ). We will gradually improve UIS, therefore we would like to ask you, dear students, for your suggestions by email at internatna.rada@gmail.com.

The process of booking a room for an academic year is as follows:

From the student’s point of view:

  1. The student logs in with his / her login data to UIS at https://sdaj.mtf.stuba.sk/login,
  2. select „Profile“ from the menu,
  3. upload a photo, which will be later on the accommodation card,
  4. checks his personal data, changes erroneous data or completes missing data,
  5. select from the menu „Rezervovať izbu“ (book a room),
  6. select the specific room he/she is interested in,
  7. enter the information for the boarding committee or accommodation department in the field „Poznámka“ (note),
  8. book accommodation for the following academic year using the „Rezervovať“ (book) button,
  9. then the statement of the student’s reservation will be displayed,
  10. the student receives a notification email, to the email address stated in the profile,
  11. reservation is possible only once and only in one room,
  12. in the case that the boarding committee or accommodation department modifies, changes the reservation, the student will be informed by email at the email address stated in the profile,
  13. the reservation is binding, and does not mean that the student is accommodated,
  14. accommodation will take place in a standard personal form through the student’s visit to the ŠDaJ accommodation department,
  15. in case the student wishes to modify, cancel the reservation, he/she must contact the boarding committee by email rada@gmail.com.

From the boarding committee point of view:

  1. The boarding committee has an overview of each reservation,
  2. assess each reservation,
  3. studies the information from the student, which is in the note,
  4. if the reservation is modified, the student will receive a notification e-mail about the change,
  5. committee will contact student by phone or email if more information is needed.

From the accommodation department point of view:

  1. The employee of the accommodation department has an overview of each reservation,
  2. accommodates the student, on the basis of a list of reservations, which will come in person during the specified period of the accommodation process into the accommodation department office of the ŠDaJ.


In Trnava on 21. june 2021                          Boarding Committee and Accommodation Department ŠDaJ